Oh, everything that is holy! I cannot tell you how excited I am to just have this WHOLE WEEK off from school! I really just want to cuddle, go see movies I've reeeally wanted to see (Black Swan, Blue Valentine, and Red Riding Hood), play with Athena (she gets lonely when I'm always gone ok?), lounge, visit Jack and Bay and Marley (!!!), come home from work just knowing that I can finally relax, move that freaking bed (you know the one I've been talking about forever) to my room, and just be :) I'm horribly excited.
In other news:

#1: I've been stressed. Really who hasn't? So I'm just gonna let it flow. <---- that was my mantra in high school, good thing I remembered it. I've been trying to jam my schedule or thinking time with 'obligations' rather than doing them/thinking about them because I actually want to. So just let it flow. Because its spring break yo!

#2: Ammon is taking me to my first Real game. Yeah, I know, I'm horrible. If I wasn't so nice, he probably would have dumped me like a load of garbage on garbage day (he loves soccer), BUT I'm just so sweet ;) Anyway, I'm very excited. Ammon has conditioned me with a few 'matches' (I guess you don't really call them games if you're super cool. I'm not when it comes to this) on the ole telly. They are actually pretty interesting. I usually get into games if those around me are all pumped up, so I know I'll have a blast :)

#3: I am ordering my rollerblades today. I am committing to that because I keep putting it off. So if you happen to be driving around Bountiful and see a short red head rollerblading with a short, floppy, drooly, goofy looking dog trailing behind or ahead (its been known to happen, more than i care to admit) its us. Smile, wave, give us an encouraging honk honk of the ole car horn.
FYI: I chose rollerblades because a)I hate running. Despise. b)I don't think Athena could keep up with a bike for very long (short legs, top heavy, etc)__c)I hear its a good overall work out; core = a little ab action, legs = well who doesn't want to have nice legs?, and cardio (if I do it right, long enough, etc.)

Have a wonderful Monday :) I hope you had a wonderful Sunday because mine rocked.
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