OKAY. I have a confession. I LOVE chocolate. And I love extra crunchy skippy peanut butter. But I LOVE chocolate dessert. Ammon always prepares himself for the moment after dinner when I practically fall off my seat because the new chocolate dessert I just discovered weakens my knees it so good. For example: we went to P.F. Chang's for his Bday Sunday and their mousse chocolate cake mini dessert thingy was So Freaking Good. I made a huge deal out of it lol

And as I also said I love extra crunchy skippy. That on Sara Lee wheat bread and I am set for a snack (or in my case when I don't have time to sit and eat). I may have gotten that from my Gma because we both know when we run out and its a really big deal when its all gone.

But anyways! We celebrated Ammon's bday this weekend yay! Happy Birthday :) I made him an apple pie and took him out for dinner :) It was a really fun and good weekend, I love making him feel all birthday special (i love birthdays). BUT here's a disaster story:
So E gave me the most delicious apple pie recipe and I was so excited to make it for Ammon and his fam because he loves pie. So after getting all the needed supplies from the store (and a few quick calls to Josie before she left her house) we began the pies! I planned to make 3 (2 for the fights and 1 for Ammon to have all just for him). Well....

Needless to say I only got to make the two because Jos and I (mostly I) read the crust directions wrong and they crumbled haha but Josie and I had so much fun and she was such a trooper and helped me make two more, so thanks Jos! And everyone loved the pies (I was really nervous since it was my first time making them) and I was so proud of us!
So it was a wonderful, funny, relaxing, spoiling weekend :) I love weekends. And I reeeeally love my Humanities class, I think I should do my next post on why. Until then folks...
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