Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving... lately

Okey dokey. I haven't blogged for months, but I love reading others blogs so whoo whoo I'm back! So in light of the recent holiday I will do this post about the things that I am thankful for, super original I know ;)

1. My family. As I get older, my family becomes increasingly important to me. I just love them so so freaking much. My mom, my lil sister my Mariah, my Gramma, my cousins Joshy Mike and Chris, my Uncle Joe, my Aunt Ani, and even my GG who isn't with us anymore. I remember her and her love and it makes an impact on me to this day, and the huge impact that she has had on my mom and others still influences me as well. I just am so blessed to have my family, they keep me sane, they keep me grounded. They keep me loved.
2. My friends. Eml, Kels, Kenna, Marta. I know I have tons others and I'm not discounting our friendships dudes ok? You four are amazing and my very besties, I love you to death, and each of you have helped me out in ways you probably don't even know, and I am so lucky to have you. I would do anything for you, any day of the week! (the any day of the week part just makes it sound legit)
3. The Gospel. I will be the first to admit it: I've been MIA from church for a looooong time, but lately I've felt a desire to go back, and go back I did. And it is amazing what going to church and reading your scriptures and praying for a week or two can do. I really do feel happier, grounded, more self confident, stronger, and just better. It's a work in progress but it's worth it. Kinda like this quote: "To get to forever, you have to take it one day at a time."

There are so so so many things that I am thankful for but there are a few :)
K xoxo