What started out as a little explanation of why I like my name turned into a full blown post. Hope its not too self-centered or 'tootin my own horn', I just really enjoy kind of figuring out little things about myself. For example I've really grown to like my hair and name as I've gotten older, so this is me trying to explain it to myself for the whole world to see.
I read an interesting post on a woman's young daughter who doesn't like her name. At the end of her post she asks if anyone really has an attachment or love of their name or if its 'just their name'. I wanted to answer that question! But maybe it'll be easier to understand if you read the post first: http://blogs.babycenter.com/mom_stories/my-daughter-doesnt-like-her-name/
**And really don't ask me why I was reading a a parenting blog. I'm not having or planning on having a kid for a long while, I just really like reading blogs. It's pretty much become my Facebook. I love logging into Blogger to see any updates (especially on the design/decorating blogs I follow). And I found this 'name' post through Young House Love (you know the couple I mentioned in my last post) because they also post on this parenting blog/webiste about their insights, experiences, and advice when it comes to parenting their daughter.**
Anyways, when I was reading some peoples answers to the question I didn't really get those who were just like 'eh, whatever' when it came to their name, because I love my name. I really would not be who I am if I wasn't Kesley. Kesley is me. I am Kesley. I think it fits me quite nicely, actually perfectly. It has shaped who I am. For example: Since it is unique and easily/often mispronouned it taught me to speak up for myself when almost every single teacher, professor, primary leader, manager, customer, etc said it wrong. I'm pretty sure this contributed to my being a blunt, loud, and outgoing person. I had to step out of my comfort zone when I was young and tell big adults "No, its Kesley" and repeat it a lot aka pretty much you can't read. No I'm totally teasing, I understand why people mispronounce it.
The other reason why I am so attached to my name is how much meaning it has behind it. This also explains the ever present question of how my parents came up with my name. My mama and dad both have brown hair. Not a stitch of red. So when they had their first little red headed girl, it was a pleasant surprise. They named her Kesley Tristan. However, four months into raising their sweet new baby girl, she passed away from SIDS. My parents were devastated. About a year later, they had me. Out pops another red headed girl. I looked exactly like my older sister; I can't even tell us apart in baby pictures, I always have to ask my mom. Me and my older sister were both delivered by the same doctor and nurses. When I came out my mom says they all just gasped and couldn't believe how much I resembled Kesley Tristan. And so my parents decided to name me Kesley Elizabeth, and I have always felt a strong connection to my older sister because of that. I love my name because of what it represents, where it comes from, and what it has taught me.
So, anyone else feel a particular connection, liking, or dislike of their name? I'd love to hear :)
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