#1 She sleeps 85% of the day:

#2 She eats flowers:
But I didn't let her get these beauties!

#3 She isn't very good at pictures:
a)She won't stand still:

b)She never smiles:

(But she does have friends, 2 to be exact) Sophie above:
And her cousing Bear. Oh Bear!

#3 She drinks my bath water (obvious lack of hygiene):

#4 She is a pushover:

BUT I love her to pieces and wouldn't have her any other way :) She's the sweetest, most people social, perfect cuddly amount, cutest basset I could ever ask for. No matter how bad of a day I've had when I walk in the door and she brings me one of her toys or a shoe, and is so excited to see me, I melt and smile and give her lots of loves. And she may or may not sleep with me... I personally don't care that she smells like corn chips, however, everyone in my Humanities class thinks its gross.
I just had to write about her. It was that simple.
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