So Me, Mariah, Mike, Josie, and Mike all went out to CPK (yeah! I was the 5th wheel ha, :( Ammon was at work). Anyways, so I was super tired and hyper at the same time on account of being at the mall forever with Little Baker and Josie. That Little Baker is a butthead. But he really isn't that bad I guess lol Then we got coffee which made me hyper... ish. So at the end of the meal I'm laughing at, I don't remember what, and I swing my whole arm and flip over my glass thing of ranch and clatter my plate and silverware. Our whole table is laughing LOUD and the old couple next to us looked so annoyed, I'm sure I was probably acting like I was all liquored up (I totally was not, but coffee does make me nuts), or totally crazy. We left pretty fast after that.

While shopping I got these sunglasses for $10 bucks. Love em. But my real favorite are the bootcut jeans from Hollister. I LOVE jeans. I love when you find a perfect pair that just fit and feel awesome and look awesome. Love love em.
Now the cooler portion of my post (I wrote half of this at like 8am when my brain couldn't think of anything interesting to write but when I came back at noon I remembered this! That is my moodboard for my eventually new room. Ammon is giving me a mattress. So naturally I will need a cute new frame for it. And I will finally be out of a freaking twin woo woo! So I stroll on over to Ikea (me and Josie have pretty much moved in there lately)And BAM! fall in love with an Ikea frame. But I can't decide if I will like the bedspread with the white frame (will the white of the comforter get lost?) or if I should go with a black one. Or perhaps I will do the white frame and do dark night stands, it sounds weird but I've seen some rooms like with a white bed and dark nightstands and i really like them. I also don't really know about the wall lights. I know I want some on each side of the bed but I can't find any that I love. Someday I would like a green wall and the rest grey, which is why I lean more towards the white bed, you know, brighten things up a bit. But add some dark touches like the mirror, lamps, rug?, curtains, etc. I'm really digging the color scheme, it feels all grown up and sophisticated lol. I've been needing an upgrade from my random, million poster, bean bag, every inch of my walls covered room. And I'm really starting to love this one :) Have a fabulous Wednesday! I sure will my Psych 1010 class is cancelled Hallelujah!!!!
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