Saturday, March 19, 2011


Okay, so I know that I said I'd buy rollerblades last time.... But that never happened. But I have a really really good explanation! I am a horrible online shopper, and in case you haven't noticed, its not like the stores are overflowing with rollerblades these days. I hate not being able to try something on, see if I actually like the way it looks (its very difficult to tell from a single picture OK?!), etc. I'm trying to figure out what to do. Ugh so thats confession #1... Yes Yes I know, its horrible I have more than one.

Story time, bear with me, I know its long. As I said in my last post (or at least I think I did) I was getting my new bed frame and mattress and was so excited. To start I lug Mariah, and my cousins Josh and Michael to Layton in a teeny little truck to help. When we're almost there Mariah simply says, "so what did you bring to cover it?". Yep this was Wednesday, the one day it decides to rain heavily and for a long time in UT and I just drove all over creation without getting a tarp. I get to the guys house (who was really nice by the way and gave me one of his allen wrenches because I didn't have one. Don't you love people like that?!), pay him the money, then ask like a fool if I can keep it on his porch then come back with a tarp. He was very nice once again, and agreed. We went to Ace Hardware get a ginormous tarp, cover the bed pieces all up, then drive to Ammon's to get the mattress and box spring. Well, us being lazy or stupid, (I haven't figured out which yet) put the mattress and box spring on top of the tarp... And its pouring. We think we can make it home without it getting too wet (uhhh yeah right), but Ammon so sweetly and smartly (he has a big brain fyi) informs me that beds and box springs can mold if they get too wet and don't dry well enough. Another trip to a store to get a tarp. Woop De Do. Mariah, Josh, and Michael come back with one that barely fits but we just go with it. Then while on the freeway the tarp blows like halfway off, Josh is holding it on with a freezing hand through the trucks back window, while Michael holds a cup up to stop all the rain from dripping in and soaking them...

Fast forward 24 hours and I put the bed together all by myself. Lugging old beds and boxsprings, new beds and boxsprings, and putting the Heavy Frame together. I'm so tired that all I want to do is pull my new mattress in and lay down. Now this thing (they're technically known as boxsprings) was FREAKING heavy, but I did it all by myself, feeling so proud, lay it down on the bed frame and...

THE BED DOESN'T FIT. Yeah thats the confession. I guess its not a very good one but whatever. Ammon's friends told us it was a double. Well I measured it and its a freaking queen. Needless to say I was upset. Now please remember that the only reason I bought a new frame was because I didn't have to buy a new mattress. Ha! HA! You got me ole queenie! Now I have to buy a flipping mattress! So for the time being the wonderful frame is sitting in my un wonderful room with my un wonderful twin mattress on top of it. Ugh.

But apparently Athena doesn't mind. She climbed up as soon as the twin was in place and made her sleepy little self comfy for her 17th nap of the day.

I will fix this. I will get it right. I'm searching for good mattress deals (I may get one through work) and focusing on curtains (which I'll probably make myself), the layout of my room, and uncluttering. So until next time (hopefully with wonderful curtain news) friends.


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