#1 Bites: Me and Ammon are pretty much the best cooking team ever. He made awesome steak and asparagus, I made amazing mashed potatoes. I actually brought the rest of them for lunch today, I'm pretty excited. And I was so proud of myself when Ammon wouldn't stop picking at them in the bowl woo woo! For some reason I have this idea that I'm a horrible cook, but apparently with the pie and mashed potatoes under my belt I'm getting way better. So this isn't a picture of our dinner but its close.

#2 Fights: As in Kesley Elizabeth's First Real Soccer Game And Tailgate. Get it? Real was 'fighting' for the win ha. Seriously I had such a freaking good time. Awesome people, wonderful winning game, sitting in the section with crazy fans, my first tailgate = mucho bueno. Thank you ACB for so much fun :)

#3 Mites: So I wake up from a mild night slumber and start itching my legs like crazy. Now, I always itch for some reason (probably the dry winter) but this was different. I itched like crazy. So I turn on my light and look at my legs and there are a few little bumps. Well, silly me (more like, Kesley you're a moron)I scratched and it turned into one big bump the size of my palm on both legs. Ah! So my mama (she always knows what to do) told me to wash it with some soap and water, take some benadryl, and put some clean pajamas on so the rashes wouldn't rub together. I wake up and POOF! Its gone, what a smart mama I have. But then I get to work and now my calves (instead of my thighs) itch, my hip itches, and my forearm itches. WTF! I think there is a spider or something in my room that won't die. And this isn't picture of me but its what mine looks like expect fifty times bigger.

But I got my new bed (YAAAAAAAY) which I will put together today, (its currently in pieces in my mamas living room) with a little help from Little Baker and Jos (she's an experience Ikea bed putter together-er). I will definitley be posting pictures of the beauty soon.
So I hope everyone has a wonderful St.Pattys! Don't drink and drive, eat lots of corned beef and cabbage, kiss an Irish (Ammon is and I sure am), uh and wear green...
P.S. E informed me that Colten saw me on the jumbo tron at the game. I was really happy lol but I didn't even see!
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