Last day of 2010. I can honestly say that I'm a little sad to see you go, which is nice :) Yes, there has been heartache and pain but there have also been so many good and wonderful things that have happened. I have learned so much this past year, especially about myself. It's been a good year :)But I'm still totally looking forward to what this coming year has in store for me :) And I can't wait to ring it in with someone special :)
Ok, resolutions. Hmmmm I'm not really a New Year's resolution kind of gal but I'll try. Most of these are things that I'm continually trying to work or improve upon, but they're important enough to actually write down :)
1. Write in my journal more often- it really helps me feel better about everything (good and bad) when I write.
2. Continue to visit Marti- it's something that I need to do for me and to continue to grow.
3. Don't get below a B minus- I've never been the kind of person who cared about getting a 4.0 but good grades are important to me (and getting a C+ in Yoga was pretty pathetic lol).
4. Get rollerblads- I plan on rollerblading with Athena when the weather gets better. She needs more excercise than she gets from just walking. Oh and maybe we'll actually build that brain maze for her lol
5. Pay off CC- blech! When first getting Athena I didn't plan on her having so many health issues in her first 6 months, hence why I need to pay this off.
6. Trust and put myself first- I've spent too much time worrying about what others would like me to do or how they would like me to be. I'm me, and I'm accepting that more and more everyday; if you don't like it you can find someone else. I've already started this resolution but I'll keep at it :)
7. Just have fun and be happy! Regardless of life situations. Happiness begins with yourself.
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