1: I am 1/4 Mexican
2: I have never broken a bone
3: I am freakishly double jointed in my arms/elbows
4: I love listening to my iPod and singing loud while I get ready (just ask my family)
5: I am sincerely trying to stop swearing like a sailor
6: I don't believe in divorce
7: I also am sometimes swayed away from my Psych major by a Political Science desire
8: I love Marilyn Monroe. Not because she was a sex icon or had all the fellas drooling over her. But because almost everyone she came in contact with had wonderful things to say about her (she was a genuine, sweet person), she came from a horrible childhood and rose so high, she loved and adored children, and she was insecure and broken just like everyone else. She was real.
9: I brush my teeth in the shower
10: My first concert was Collective Soul
11: My first date was with Mister Chazzy awh!
12: When I was in early elementary I thought Kesley was a boy name and that I had a boy voice. I was very distraught lol
13: I love my hair. Some girls cry when they cut their hair, I would cry if I had to dye my hair a different color
14: I am really sensitive to caffeine. Ex: I can get hyper from some Mt. Dew, really hyper from Excedrin, people know that you do NOT give me caffeine or anything like unto it cuz i go nuts, one time a took one of those 5 HR energy shots and it gave me the shakes- not good!
15: Although I have been in active in the past and what have you, the church is becoming an ever present and central part of my life. And it makes me truly happy :)
Awh. I miss Tyler Jeremy Jensen so so so so very much. My good memory is just all of the hilariously fun times we (me and E, yes we are a we) had with them (Ty, Cade, Andy, Mike, Jeff). Me driving Ty's new clutch horribly, Jr. Prom with Ty, Christmas Dance with Andy, Fourth of July at Sugarhouse, Motorcycle trio (E/Ty, Me/Jeff, Aud/Cade), Woodstock motorcycle duo and sidewalk chalk watching (E/Ty, Me/Cade), Third of July Dees run/car accident (not a good memory), E's family reunion up in PC, Hot Springs. Ohhhh I just love them all so much. We had an awesome senior year, and continue since Cade and Jeff and Mike are home now! We're waiting on ya Ty!
Day #3 A pic of you and your craziest friend

Yep, Kels, we're freaking weird. Thats really the only way I can put it haha but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love yooooou!
Kesley your blog is so cute!
Thanks Megan! I'm reading yours too lol
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