Things that makes me Happy!

Harry Potter.
Yeah maybe it sounds kinda dorky but oh well. And I'm talking about the movies AND the books. They really are just like my go to comfort movie, or nothing new to read book. Almost like comfort food :) Nice and familiar. Thanks from this girl Ms. Rowling.
Ok, I know this may be a little weird, but I although school can be hard and time consuming, the satisfaction and motivation I get from learning and working toward a goal makes me happy, and I achieve that through going to school!

Of course. I've missed it so much! And dancing to my own choreography in the living room is not cutting it lol so I'm super excited for spring semester to get here cuz I'm taking a jazz class yay!

CUTE PICTUREs! Oh my goodness, I just love all of these. Some are soooo cute, some are funny, some are beautiful, some are inspiring, some are funny. Enjoy :)

My cousin. Pretty much like my brother. He's awesome! We have some pretty awesome fun times together. We laugh, eat In N Out, play poker, we're going to see Narnia for his Bday! And he'll always take pics of me when I ask him to (usually looking like a total nerd in a public place lol) Love you Josh :)

Oh how I love LOVE and how I love my little sister even more! So put the two together and its awesome xoxo And Mike is such an amazing man, I could not have asked for a more wonderful husband for Mariah. Just seeing them together and their absolute love, commitment, respect, and adoration to each other is beautiful. They are a huge example to me, and who I go to for everything and anything.

Oh boy these kids are my little love bugs. I LOVE playing with, reading to, watching movies with, listening to!, watching, bathing, chasing, laughing with, teaching, feeding, tickling these kids! Bay has The Most adorable laugh, she is independent but cuddling; such a little diva lol and she loves her big brother :) Jackson is such a ham haha he is always saying "Kesley watch this!" and he absolutely loves puppies and whenever Athena gives him a kiss he laughs and says, "Athena don't eat me!" They can be little stinkers but they light up my day when I get to spend any amount of time with them!
And of course this isn't EVERYTHING that makes me happy, my family does, funny jokes do, awesome socks or underwear does, hugs do as well lol
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