2: Mean people. Those people who intentionally do things to hurt another, or do things with complete disregard to how their actions will eventually effect everyone around them. Now, I admit I have done both out of anger or ignorance, most people have, but most people try to correct or apologize. Then there are the people who don't, and I just literally cannot express how I completely and utterly DO NOT UNDERSTAND them. It makes me sad, thinking about someone who truly does not care for anyone but themselves- it must be a lonely, sad, world :(
3: The whole Pepsi or Coke thing. Personally, they're like the same to me. Maybe it's because I don't really prefer either, I rather have water lol but sheesh people just take what you can get. They're both carbonated and loaded with sugar and calories and can get rid of the acid build up that accumulates on your car battery.
4: Gross PDA. Okay people. I don't give a $%!&#$%@#!$ if you're "in love" aka can't keep your gross hands off of each other, but save it for somewhere where I am NOT. I mean hold hands, a quick peck, sit on the lap for a bit (appropriately), arm around each other- thats cool, "awh what a cute happy couple". But like kissing your girlfriends neck grossly and obsessively while we wait in line at Costa Vida (yeah that really happened) is disgusting and makes you look like white trash that can't keep your hormones in check, resulting in a knocked up lady for a girlfriend.
5: Lindsay Lohan. Like, seriously WTF?! Why do people care so much? She's just a normal person, who happened to grow up wealthy with a few movie deals, got into trouble and now she's on the cover/web page of every freaking thing! The judges always seem to be giving her extra chances and she keeps getting into trouble all over again. For goodness sake let the poor girl have some privacy and figure out her troubles! Her problems are what make her successful and that is just moronic and stupid and freaking annoying.

Well thats about it lol hope I didn't offend anyone too terribly and I apologize if I did :)
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