So I work at a fabulous hotel and got a night at one of the company's other properties in Provo. We celebrated a late V Day :) We tried this really yummy delicious Italian restaurant (if ever the dinner selection is up to me, I usually choose Italian) but I forget the name. The dessert was FREAKING amazing. Not one but two layers of brownie, with vanilla and chocolate mousse separating the two layers, then drizzled/sitting a top warm chocolate sauce. I am a chocolate fiend. And even Ammon, who isn't so big on the sweets, agreed that is was double delicious. We also went swimming (I really like swimming, mostly because I get to wear my really cute swimsuit that I love) (I totally just remembered that I had a dream that I splurged and bought two really cute swimsuits at the mall... and now I really want them). And really just enjoyed one another and the chance to get away for the night/morning. Then we went to breakfast and I got french toast AND a strawberry crepe. It was a really wonderful V Day spent with a really wonderful guy :)

P.S. I love my life right now. It rocks :)
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