Look at that title, I'm so clever. Anyways I feel like I have been lacking in many (ok most) areas of my life lately, and for those of you who have felt that or been put on the back burner I truly am sorry. If you think that I don't care or love you anymore, that you have been swept from my mind, that I hate your stinkin guts, etc ITS NOT TRUE. I am just stretched paper thin these days. If it was just work and school I could handle it I'm sure but I've been having horrible headaches lately, so to get to and from work- some days its all I can handle. But I really don't want this to be a big sob story/pity party so MOVING ON!

Fortunately I'm so lucky to have a family who understands (my Mama is soooo good at taking Athena out when I can't, it really means soooo much) and checks up on me (my sweet gramma was so worried and offered to go with me to the doctor), a boyfriend who takes care of, is patient with, and babys me (cuz yes sometimes i NEED it lol), a friend who remembers when I have a doc appointment and follows up on it (Josie), a sister and brother who don't wake me up when I'm in bed when they come over for the first time in forever (I was very sad I missed you guys :( and professors who are willing to work with me when I haven't been able to make it to class. Wow! Seriously you guys are amazing. Thank you.

And also to everyone I'm sorry I've been MIA. Joshy and Mike I'm sorry I haven't helped you with your math that much. Mama I'm sorry I'm cranky and moody. Kels I'm sorry I've disappeared off the face of the planet- you're still one of my BFFs, E I'm sorry I haven't made it up there I really am trying BFE!!!, Athena I'm sorry I don't walk you and play with you like I should BUT I'm getting those roller blades soon!, M and M I'm sorry I haven't visited lately and was asleep lol, Holly Davey Jack Bay and Mar I'm also sorry I've been MIA, professors I'm sorry I appear to be so slackerish I promise I'm not my head just hurts and I really do enjoy your classes, taxes yes I know you need to get done asap, Guts Kenne MDubb you guys rock and I know you never get upset when I disappear for awhile but I'm still sorry and I still love you guys, bedroom I'm sorry you look like Hurricane Katrina just swirlyed (yes its a word) through there. Annnnd I'm sorry this is such a blubbery post but I needed to get it off my chest. But thank you for reading and I really would like it if you came back ;)
The whole reason I posted these sorrys and thank yous is because I went to the doctor yesterday (so hopefully I will be back in action soon enough! woo!) and she gave me a bunch of medicine (I could become a street dealer if I really wanted to)(ok not really) and I'm really looking forward to feeling better yay!!! And I would be well on my way today if the prescriptions hadn't dropped out of my purse on the way to Ammon's car on the way to the pharmacy lol but thankfully I found them on the sidewalk in front of my house an hour or two later.
I just thought this pic was really cute and happy :)

On a happier note I'm going to redecorate in here annnnnd Ammon's Bday = T minus 3 days (including today!)
Kes! I will make you some of those shorts over spring break :)
Oh my gosh you are amazing Kenz! I seriously just think they are so awesome and I LOVE shorts :) Oh! I saw a lady with bell bottomed stripey pants at IKEA today and it reminded me of you lol
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