Happy V Day! So it’s never been a HUGE holiday to me but it’s always been celebrated in my family and I think that’s why I get a little bugged at all of the bitter V Day haters. It’s only been in recent years that I've had a special romantic someone to share it with but that never stopped me before! One year I surprised E at work with roses and chocolate covered strawberries :D and she made me a heart shaped pizza! (she worked at Papa Murphy’s). I can remember waking up every year to something special from my mom :) Oatmeal with a heart shape in it, heart shaped pancakes, a cute pink or red top, candy, etc. One year Mariah went all out and got me, our mama, and our grandma a chocolate rose, a balloon, and some other fun stuff :) And this year I get to celebrate with a wonderful catch of a Valentine! I guess my point is that I’ve ALWAYS had someone to love on Valentines Day (My Family- they’re the most important) regardless of whether or not I had a boyfriend. My mom taught me that Valentines Day is a day to be thankful for those special people in your life and to show them how much you love them. So turn your thoughts of focusing on how you don’t have a special someone or how your special someone didn’t get you what you wanted or maybe had a special brain moment and forgot… and turn them OFF. And turn ON the focusing of your friends and family and significant others and how lucky you are to have them and love them, and to feel loved by them. Be happy for the husband who brings his wife flowers and a balloon and chocolate covered strawberries and a teddy bear to her at work :) (so cute! And yes this really did happen yay!) Remember how much you love that you and your little sister are The Best of Friends (me and Mariah are) Take your Mama a single rose or her favorite candy (make her feel special and loved) Tell your best friend who you never see how much you still love her/him (I STILL have your Christmas present waiting for you E lol) Maybe your Grandma misses being treated all special on V Day (take her to lunch or just go visit her with a card) There are opportunities all around to show your love and its pretty fun too :) Kinda makes ya feel all warm and tingly ;)
Anyways here is my V Day shout out! E, Mariah, Mike, Mama, Gramma, Kels, Joshy, Mikey, Chris, Ol banJoe, Ani, Athena, Bear, Kenne, Guts I love you all more than I can say. You make my life infinitely better whether its through being my best friend, raising me, birthing me (haha!), always being there for me, making me laugh, licking my face when I cry, loving me No Matter What, thinking I’m hilarious, etc. I love you and I hope you have a wonderful Valentines Day :) Lets turn this Hershey’s and Hallmark day around and just be happy and lovey and grateful, it’s a whole lot easier and more fun than being a stick in the mud.

Oh! And Ammon you get your own shout out since you’re Me Valentine :) I love you, you can always make me smile and laugh, you’re really sweet for tickling my back through entire movies, thank you for thinking I’m funny and not weird when I’m hyper and thinking I’m cute when I get mad, for loving my family, and just being you. And of course for putting up with Athena lol
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