So if anyone could help me with figuring out how to put a picture in that nice blank space of my header it would be GREATLY appreciated. I can't figure it out. It looks silly blank. Please and thank you.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Headaches are better than Heartaches

Look at that title, I'm so clever. Anyways I feel like I have been lacking in many (ok most) areas of my life lately, and for those of you who have felt that or been put on the back burner I truly am sorry. If you think that I don't care or love you anymore, that you have been swept from my mind, that I hate your stinkin guts, etc ITS NOT TRUE. I am just stretched paper thin these days. If it was just work and school I could handle it I'm sure but I've been having horrible headaches lately, so to get to and from work- some days its all I can handle. But I really don't want this to be a big sob story/pity party so MOVING ON!

Fortunately I'm so lucky to have a family who understands (my Mama is soooo good at taking Athena out when I can't, it really means soooo much) and checks up on me (my sweet gramma was so worried and offered to go with me to the doctor), a boyfriend who takes care of, is patient with, and babys me (cuz yes sometimes i NEED it lol), a friend who remembers when I have a doc appointment and follows up on it (Josie), a sister and brother who don't wake me up when I'm in bed when they come over for the first time in forever (I was very sad I missed you guys :( and professors who are willing to work with me when I haven't been able to make it to class. Wow! Seriously you guys are amazing. Thank you.

And also to everyone I'm sorry I've been MIA. Joshy and Mike I'm sorry I haven't helped you with your math that much. Mama I'm sorry I'm cranky and moody. Kels I'm sorry I've disappeared off the face of the planet- you're still one of my BFFs, E I'm sorry I haven't made it up there I really am trying BFE!!!, Athena I'm sorry I don't walk you and play with you like I should BUT I'm getting those roller blades soon!, M and M I'm sorry I haven't visited lately and was asleep lol, Holly Davey Jack Bay and Mar I'm also sorry I've been MIA, professors I'm sorry I appear to be so slackerish I promise I'm not my head just hurts and I really do enjoy your classes, taxes yes I know you need to get done asap, Guts Kenne MDubb you guys rock and I know you never get upset when I disappear for awhile but I'm still sorry and I still love you guys, bedroom I'm sorry you look like Hurricane Katrina just swirlyed (yes its a word) through there. Annnnd I'm sorry this is such a blubbery post but I needed to get it off my chest. But thank you for reading and I really would like it if you came back ;)
The whole reason I posted these sorrys and thank yous is because I went to the doctor yesterday (so hopefully I will be back in action soon enough! woo!) and she gave me a bunch of medicine (I could become a street dealer if I really wanted to)(ok not really) and I'm really looking forward to feeling better yay!!! And I would be well on my way today if the prescriptions hadn't dropped out of my purse on the way to Ammon's car on the way to the pharmacy lol but thankfully I found them on the sidewalk in front of my house an hour or two later.
I just thought this pic was really cute and happy :)

On a happier note I'm going to redecorate in here annnnnd Ammon's Bday = T minus 3 days (including today!)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
This is us. We're pretty cute. This is who I spent my fab weekend with. We had lots of fun.

So I work at a fabulous hotel and got a night at one of the company's other properties in Provo. We celebrated a late V Day :) We tried this really yummy delicious Italian restaurant (if ever the dinner selection is up to me, I usually choose Italian) but I forget the name. The dessert was FREAKING amazing. Not one but two layers of brownie, with vanilla and chocolate mousse separating the two layers, then drizzled/sitting a top warm chocolate sauce. I am a chocolate fiend. And even Ammon, who isn't so big on the sweets, agreed that is was double delicious. We also went swimming (I really like swimming, mostly because I get to wear my really cute swimsuit that I love) (I totally just remembered that I had a dream that I splurged and bought two really cute swimsuits at the mall... and now I really want them). And really just enjoyed one another and the chance to get away for the night/morning. Then we went to breakfast and I got french toast AND a strawberry crepe. It was a really wonderful V Day spent with a really wonderful guy :)

P.S. I love my life right now. It rocks :)

So I work at a fabulous hotel and got a night at one of the company's other properties in Provo. We celebrated a late V Day :) We tried this really yummy delicious Italian restaurant (if ever the dinner selection is up to me, I usually choose Italian) but I forget the name. The dessert was FREAKING amazing. Not one but two layers of brownie, with vanilla and chocolate mousse separating the two layers, then drizzled/sitting a top warm chocolate sauce. I am a chocolate fiend. And even Ammon, who isn't so big on the sweets, agreed that is was double delicious. We also went swimming (I really like swimming, mostly because I get to wear my really cute swimsuit that I love) (I totally just remembered that I had a dream that I splurged and bought two really cute swimsuits at the mall... and now I really want them). And really just enjoyed one another and the chance to get away for the night/morning. Then we went to breakfast and I got french toast AND a strawberry crepe. It was a really wonderful V Day spent with a really wonderful guy :)

P.S. I love my life right now. It rocks :)
Monday, February 14, 2011
Me Valentine

Happy V Day! So it’s never been a HUGE holiday to me but it’s always been celebrated in my family and I think that’s why I get a little bugged at all of the bitter V Day haters. It’s only been in recent years that I've had a special romantic someone to share it with but that never stopped me before! One year I surprised E at work with roses and chocolate covered strawberries :D and she made me a heart shaped pizza! (she worked at Papa Murphy’s). I can remember waking up every year to something special from my mom :) Oatmeal with a heart shape in it, heart shaped pancakes, a cute pink or red top, candy, etc. One year Mariah went all out and got me, our mama, and our grandma a chocolate rose, a balloon, and some other fun stuff :) And this year I get to celebrate with a wonderful catch of a Valentine! I guess my point is that I’ve ALWAYS had someone to love on Valentines Day (My Family- they’re the most important) regardless of whether or not I had a boyfriend. My mom taught me that Valentines Day is a day to be thankful for those special people in your life and to show them how much you love them. So turn your thoughts of focusing on how you don’t have a special someone or how your special someone didn’t get you what you wanted or maybe had a special brain moment and forgot… and turn them OFF. And turn ON the focusing of your friends and family and significant others and how lucky you are to have them and love them, and to feel loved by them. Be happy for the husband who brings his wife flowers and a balloon and chocolate covered strawberries and a teddy bear to her at work :) (so cute! And yes this really did happen yay!) Remember how much you love that you and your little sister are The Best of Friends (me and Mariah are) Take your Mama a single rose or her favorite candy (make her feel special and loved) Tell your best friend who you never see how much you still love her/him (I STILL have your Christmas present waiting for you E lol) Maybe your Grandma misses being treated all special on V Day (take her to lunch or just go visit her with a card) There are opportunities all around to show your love and its pretty fun too :) Kinda makes ya feel all warm and tingly ;)
Anyways here is my V Day shout out! E, Mariah, Mike, Mama, Gramma, Kels, Joshy, Mikey, Chris, Ol banJoe, Ani, Athena, Bear, Kenne, Guts I love you all more than I can say. You make my life infinitely better whether its through being my best friend, raising me, birthing me (haha!), always being there for me, making me laugh, licking my face when I cry, loving me No Matter What, thinking I’m hilarious, etc. I love you and I hope you have a wonderful Valentines Day :) Lets turn this Hershey’s and Hallmark day around and just be happy and lovey and grateful, it’s a whole lot easier and more fun than being a stick in the mud.

Oh! And Ammon you get your own shout out since you’re Me Valentine :) I love you, you can always make me smile and laugh, you’re really sweet for tickling my back through entire movies, thank you for thinking I’m funny and not weird when I’m hyper and thinking I’m cute when I get mad, for loving my family, and just being you. And of course for putting up with Athena lol
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Yummy Vday Dinner??? Perhaps.
Hahahaha so I just thought this picture was funny lol I really don't dislike V Day. In fact I enjoy it. Who doesn't like an extra day to be reminded of the love they have for others and the love others have for them? But I try not to make it some huge big event. I do like to go to dinner, maybe get some flowers, spend time together, acknowledge our love for one another, etc but really, people should do that every day. However, it is nice to have an excuse to go out and have a special date/day :)

Hmmm so I'm trying to decide what exactly to do for V Day. I mean I have some ideas but its hard to pick and choose since I just like doing nice cute things for 'just because' occasions, so when a holiday comes I have like a million ideas. But I don't really care to or have the time to list them all. But one of the things I'm deciding is whether we should make dinner or go out to dinner, both have their pros and cons. I love going out and about, we can always make dinner, but making dinner is fun and we get to learn something new together, going out we can focus on just talking and enjoying each other instead of cooking the meal, going out is probably more expensive but I really have no idea actually cuz what I want to make could be expensive, going out makes it seem more like an occasion. Eh both sound good and fun.

So if we went out my vote would be Olive Garden. Cliche? Maybe. Delicious? YES. I'm a little obsessed with bread sticks haha and I'm really LOVING their Pork Milanese and Cheese Tortellini. HOly EveRyTHinG its so freaking good.

OR I was thinking about making some gnocchi

or risotto (I've been wanting to try it for awhile, Megan says its super good)

with some breaded chicken with lemon and then some asparagus.

And of course to top it off: some cheesecake mmmmmm. Seriously I almost had a brain aneurysm looking at the pictures of cherry cheesecake... it looks so freaking good.
But all of that sounds like a lot of work... lol maybe we'll go the eating out route (I'll ask him what he thinks) and I'll make dinner for a 'just because' type of thing on a day off... Cuz me in the kitchen takes some trial and error lol So thanks for letting me blog it out and figure out my feelings on this "not even a real holiday".

Hmmm so I'm trying to decide what exactly to do for V Day. I mean I have some ideas but its hard to pick and choose since I just like doing nice cute things for 'just because' occasions, so when a holiday comes I have like a million ideas. But I don't really care to or have the time to list them all. But one of the things I'm deciding is whether we should make dinner or go out to dinner, both have their pros and cons. I love going out and about, we can always make dinner, but making dinner is fun and we get to learn something new together, going out we can focus on just talking and enjoying each other instead of cooking the meal, going out is probably more expensive but I really have no idea actually cuz what I want to make could be expensive, going out makes it seem more like an occasion. Eh both sound good and fun.

So if we went out my vote would be Olive Garden. Cliche? Maybe. Delicious? YES. I'm a little obsessed with bread sticks haha and I'm really LOVING their Pork Milanese and Cheese Tortellini. HOly EveRyTHinG its so freaking good.

OR I was thinking about making some gnocchi

or risotto (I've been wanting to try it for awhile, Megan says its super good)

with some breaded chicken with lemon and then some asparagus.

And of course to top it off: some cheesecake mmmmmm. Seriously I almost had a brain aneurysm looking at the pictures of cherry cheesecake... it looks so freaking good.
But all of that sounds like a lot of work... lol maybe we'll go the eating out route (I'll ask him what he thinks) and I'll make dinner for a 'just because' type of thing on a day off... Cuz me in the kitchen takes some trial and error lol So thanks for letting me blog it out and figure out my feelings on this "not even a real holiday".
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Nancy Janie

Yes you heard right Nancy Janie is making a a big ol huge comeback! As much as I really want and can afford a new car right now its going to take a while so I shall be cruising around in my first car *loves* :) I really do love this car, its awesome! And everyone who knew me in high school can attest to the fact that although this isn't a picture of Nancy Janie its pretty freaking close. Now, why Nancy Janie you ask? In high school E told me that your cars name had to have a song to go with it. Well I just thought that was a magnificent idea. Her name was already Nancy Jane because of the license plate letters but then I realized that one of my favorite songs (Aerosmith's "Janie's Got A Gun") would be perfect! So Nancy Janie it was and Nancy Jane it is :) Oh boy so many memories in that car: me and E going 20 mph up the big hills to our friends houses, E being able to hear me coming up the street in the mornings to pick her up for school, that time in the Wok Lin parking lot with E and the door just flew open while we were driving haha! Driving Mariah alllll over, passing it on to Mariah awh, that summer when we were obsessed with "Ohio Is For Lovers"- Mariah would sing the normal part and I would attempt the screamo parts haha! Oh its an awesome old truck car thingy :)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
The Pits.
Today is the pits. I am feeling ouchy sicky, I'm exhausted, I'm stressed, and the crowning arm pit of the day:

This isn't really my stye but its pretty much what my quasimodo eye looks like :(
I have a HUGE stye on my eye. I researched it and I know this one is from sleeping in my makeup at Kenne's. The reason why I've gotten THREE in the past few months is because of stress. Yep! What a lovely little side effect. As if being stressed isn't fun enough why not just make me look like I need a freaking eye patch. Arrrrr Matey. But yeah. Apparently they are very common with college students from stressing out over exams and what not. BUT I did get a 98% on my first math test holla! I now really like my dance teacher, he's a really good teacher, and even though its only a beginning Modern class I feel like I'm already learning new stuff awesome! And I really really really love my Humanities class. Like, I'm seriously considering looking into it as a major depending on what types of jobs are available with a Humanities degree. Annnnd I think I'm starting to lean away from a sex therapist and more towards a military psychologist (dealing with service members returning from deployment, PTSD, depression related to military involvement, etc.). There has been a huge need for military psychologists ever since the United State's involvement with Iraq and Afghanistan (I read about it in a new article). And I would really love to give back to those men, women, and their families who devote and sacrifice their lives to defend us and our freedom. It does mean that I'll need a Doctorate, but so does pretty much every psychology career these days. We shall see where all of this goes!

This isn't really my stye but its pretty much what my quasimodo eye looks like :(
I have a HUGE stye on my eye. I researched it and I know this one is from sleeping in my makeup at Kenne's. The reason why I've gotten THREE in the past few months is because of stress. Yep! What a lovely little side effect. As if being stressed isn't fun enough why not just make me look like I need a freaking eye patch. Arrrrr Matey. But yeah. Apparently they are very common with college students from stressing out over exams and what not. BUT I did get a 98% on my first math test holla! I now really like my dance teacher, he's a really good teacher, and even though its only a beginning Modern class I feel like I'm already learning new stuff awesome! And I really really really love my Humanities class. Like, I'm seriously considering looking into it as a major depending on what types of jobs are available with a Humanities degree. Annnnd I think I'm starting to lean away from a sex therapist and more towards a military psychologist (dealing with service members returning from deployment, PTSD, depression related to military involvement, etc.). There has been a huge need for military psychologists ever since the United State's involvement with Iraq and Afghanistan (I read about it in a new article). And I would really love to give back to those men, women, and their families who devote and sacrifice their lives to defend us and our freedom. It does mean that I'll need a Doctorate, but so does pretty much every psychology career these days. We shall see where all of this goes!