Twenty One!
For my birthday I got to spend all day with Ammon :D He snuck away for a sec and came back with my favorite flowers

Can I just say that I love date nights :) Even the simplest ones. Of course Ammon and I spend a lot of time together but its nice to just take a break from our normal day to day stuff and just have fun and be with each other. This week we went to Red Iguana (holy moly that stuff is good).
I thought we went to the wrong one when I saw the outside lol but he reassured me this was the place. After that we got a brownie peanut butter sundae at Leatherbys or however you spell it. Jeez that place is weird. A handcart etched front door (?), old fashioned sundaes painted on the walls, Disney music only (I may listen to it in my car- as Ammon so kindly pointed out- but it was kinda weird in a restaurant), and then pictures of flowers? landscape? something off the wall like that. Needless to say, I was Ammon's entertainment as I went on and on about how weird it was. We then rented Blue Valentine and it was a waste of time. I was really excited to see it, it got great reviews, two awesome actors, and then nada. It ended really weird and didn't conclude or solve anything. *Sigh* Oh well, wonderful night nonetheless.
And last but not least guess who got a new car? THIS GIRL right here! Yep I'm pretty excited :) My first very own car! I will be back soon to post pictures and details. Maybe share the frustrating months long journey to find one :) I'm thinking I may name her Molly after 'Obla Di Obla Da' its my favorite song to sing to in the car.
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