Thursday, May 19, 2011

Yes. I did this a few months ago. No. I do not care. Since I have been gone so long -I'm really sorry by the way- I need something to post that won't take too much effort or creativity. Sheesh do I sound lazy or what? I promise I'm not, just busy :)

4 shows I watch:

1) American Idol (my first season since jr. high ya'll!)
2) Harry Potter (I usually have it on right before bed even if its only for ten minutes. What can I say? Its like comfort food. But its not food...)
3) Walking Dead (did I finish the first season like two months ago? Yeah I did, I admit it, but I will certainly be watching it when the second season airs!)
4) Teen Mom 2 (you may say lame. I say interesting. I'm not advocating teenage pregnancy at all. I find their plight and that of their children and families a real issue in society today. Annnnd I'm a sucker for reality tv when I find the time)

4 things I'm passionate about:

1) My family (I've always been passionate about my family but lately I've been learning about it in a different way. It's made me think twice and let go and move forward. Family is everything.)
2) Being in love (Its the best and happiest feeling in the world. To have love for another and to be able to share that love with each other is a beautiful thing. Twitterpation! I love you Ammon :D )
3) Learning (I love learning. I love school. I love my talks with Ammon because I always learn something new. I love talking to people about their beliefs or their lives and experiences. I love to talk but I learn so much more when I listen.)
4) Animals and Children (I know its kinda weird to lump these two together but animals really are child-like. Both are innocent, blind to judgment, carefree, love unconditionally, and hardly independent lol. A lot of times I feel like its my job to protect and love them and I love doing it. They can always make me happy even on my worst days.)

4 phrases I say a lot:

1) I love you.
2) Oh brother
3) Its so hot in here.
4) Thank you for calling, Hampton Inn Salt Lake City North this is Kesley, how may I help you?

4 things I have learned from the past:

1) Forgive. The person who gets hurt the most when you stay angry is you.
2) "Smile! Because life is a beautiful place and there's so much to smile about" Marilyn Monroe.
3) Its ok to ask for help! I don't have to do everything by myself.
4) There is no room for judgement on others. Love everyone. Until you know every. single. thing. about a person you have no right to be cruel, unfair, etc. and even then, you still don't.

4 things I did yesterday:

1) Almost died because my stomach hurt so bad. It still hurts. BUT its getting better yay!
2) Bought new tires for the Bronco
3) Went to math whoop whoop! <---- THAT is totally sarcastic
4) Cuddled and played with Athena :D

4 places I would love to visit:

1) England
2) Ireland
3) Caribbean
4) Italy
5) Africa
6) Spain
7) Washington haha!
8) South America (at first I typed Southern America, which probably isn't incorrect but sounds kind of weird and dorky)
Obviously I really want to travel

4 things I'm looking forward to:

1) Playing with Riley when I get the chance (what can I say, I'm totally smitten by an almost 2 year old. And of course the terrific Haun trio.)
2) Playing with Ammon (did I mention I'm still like a twitterpated Bambi even though we've been dating for almost 6 months)
3) Vegas in August!
4) Getting my Bachelors (I know that I still have 2 to 3 years but I'm still happy I'm doing it and if you think about the last 2 years of your life... it goes by pretty fast. Am I right? Huh? Yeah I'm soooo right

4 things I love about summer:

1) Shorts
2) Sitting outside in the evening
3) Thunderstorms
4) Snow cones

I'll be back soon to post about my birthday. The big 2-1


Hillary said...

I'm in love with teen mom...

Megan and Kevin said...

Haha I love the 4 phrases part. Mostly because I hear most of them on a daily basis :)

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