4 shows i watch:
I don't watch TV but if I did it would be:
1. So You Think You Can Dance
2. Gossip Girl
3. Food Network Challenge
4. Bones
4 things i'm passionate about:
1. Family
2. Love
3. Dance
4. Athena
4 phrases i say a lot:
1. You know what I mean?
2. Love you
3. Are you kidding me?!
4. What the hell!
4 things i've learned from the past:
1. Family is the most important thing
2. Don't prioritize someone who doesn't do the same for you
3. Happiness comes from within not without
4. Don't do things for others, do things for you
4 things i did yesterday:
1. Shopping
2. School
3. Played with Athena!
4. Felt like I was on Fast and the Furious while driving lol
4 places i would love to visit:
1. Europe
2. Japan
3. Jamaica
4. Kesley Tristan's grave
4 things i'm looking forward to:
1. Tonight
2. Getting my degree
3. Getting a car
4. Marriage someday
4 things i love about winter:
1. How pretty the mountains look
2. How beautiful a big snowstorm is
3. Extra cuddling
4. Athena playing and running in the snow
Friday, January 28, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Long. Time. Coming.
Okey dokey. Sorry I've been such an absentee lately, I've just been really super busy: school, work, looking for a car, etc. And as much as I've been stressed, I'm turning over a new leaf (I mean the super stressed and pissed Kesley leaf has only been turned for two weeks and I already don't like it), I'm going to be more positive (and no thats not as corn poppy as it sounds). Yes, I'm stressed but I'm also really very happy and that is what I need to focus on :D So I'm going to do a list of the things that are making me so happy lately!
1: Ammon. He makes me laugh, he's patient, he's very sweet, he loves my family and they love him, he likes Athena, he's loving. OH. And I happen to think he's ridiculously good looking.
2: My mama packed me lunch today :D A turkey sammich, my fav! And its always better when mama makes it.
3: My mama. She loves me unconditionally. No matter what. Always. Forever. No questions asked. Everyone needs a person like that in their lives and I'm very lucky that my mom is that person for me.
4: Athena. Oh she drives me bonkers but she always makes me smile. Such a cute and big personality.
5: Josie. I'm so glad I got a call from Jos on Sunday and that we were able to hang out. Josie was my first best friend. Literally, lol age 4, and we've been friends ever since. I'm glad we're getting to reconnect now that she's home for this semester.
6: Naked. The juice. Right now I'm having Orange Mango "a tasty mango-y blend with vitamins A and C. it's liquid sunshine." Well I don't mind if I do! Its so yummy delicious and feels better than a cup of coffee in the morning!
7: My job. I'm very lucky to have a job that I enjoy, especially the people I work with. I really do work with people who have become my friends :) And I feel like an actual person whose hard work is noticed instead of just a number.
8: The Bronco. Yep people I think Nancy Janie may be making a come back. Awh YEEEAH! I've been looking for a new car but that probably isn't going to happen for a while. I really am thankful that Uncle Steve gave us Grandpa Steve's trusty ole car when he passed away. And honestly I really do LOVE it haha so many memories with E and Mariah.
9: Education. I know its cliche but really, think about all the places where gaining an education beyond jr. high or high school is reserved for the incredibly wealthy. I am totally not incredibly wealthy and I still get to earn a college education, and I enjoy it! I am not too cool for school :P
10: Music. I love singing and dancing weird in the car, singing to my iPod while I get ready, singing weird to Athena lol. It puts me in a happier mood, releases stress, or it sympathizes/empathizes (don't know which is appropriate right here) with me (you know what I'm talking about, don't deny it) and that is awesome!
Yes, making this list definitely lifted my spirits :) I feel like focusing on the positive really just brings me back and centers me. My life is AMAZING and I wouldn't have it any other way. I was reading a book and it made a good point of how some people don't realize the value of life and how truly incredible it is until its too late. I do not want to be, will not be, and am not one of those people. Life is for living and loving :)
1: Ammon. He makes me laugh, he's patient, he's very sweet, he loves my family and they love him, he likes Athena, he's loving. OH. And I happen to think he's ridiculously good looking.
2: My mama packed me lunch today :D A turkey sammich, my fav! And its always better when mama makes it.
3: My mama. She loves me unconditionally. No matter what. Always. Forever. No questions asked. Everyone needs a person like that in their lives and I'm very lucky that my mom is that person for me.
4: Athena. Oh she drives me bonkers but she always makes me smile. Such a cute and big personality.
5: Josie. I'm so glad I got a call from Jos on Sunday and that we were able to hang out. Josie was my first best friend. Literally, lol age 4, and we've been friends ever since. I'm glad we're getting to reconnect now that she's home for this semester.
6: Naked. The juice. Right now I'm having Orange Mango "a tasty mango-y blend with vitamins A and C. it's liquid sunshine." Well I don't mind if I do! Its so yummy delicious and feels better than a cup of coffee in the morning!
7: My job. I'm very lucky to have a job that I enjoy, especially the people I work with. I really do work with people who have become my friends :) And I feel like an actual person whose hard work is noticed instead of just a number.
8: The Bronco. Yep people I think Nancy Janie may be making a come back. Awh YEEEAH! I've been looking for a new car but that probably isn't going to happen for a while. I really am thankful that Uncle Steve gave us Grandpa Steve's trusty ole car when he passed away. And honestly I really do LOVE it haha so many memories with E and Mariah.
9: Education. I know its cliche but really, think about all the places where gaining an education beyond jr. high or high school is reserved for the incredibly wealthy. I am totally not incredibly wealthy and I still get to earn a college education, and I enjoy it! I am not too cool for school :P
10: Music. I love singing and dancing weird in the car, singing to my iPod while I get ready, singing weird to Athena lol. It puts me in a happier mood, releases stress, or it sympathizes/empathizes (don't know which is appropriate right here) with me (you know what I'm talking about, don't deny it) and that is awesome!
Yes, making this list definitely lifted my spirits :) I feel like focusing on the positive really just brings me back and centers me. My life is AMAZING and I wouldn't have it any other way. I was reading a book and it made a good point of how some people don't realize the value of life and how truly incredible it is until its too late. I do not want to be, will not be, and am not one of those people. Life is for living and loving :)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Spring Semester Silly Stuff 'N Such
So spring semester started this week and I've now officially been to all of my classes, and I think they're gonna be pretty good! Yay! I'm taking Psychology, Math, Humanities, and Modern (whoop whoop!).

I'm pretty sure I'll like Psych since its my major, and my teacher seems really chill and laid back.

I think Modern will be awesome! I haven't danced forever and I can't wait to get back into it! The only thing is that the class needs 12 students in order to not be cancelled; but right now we have 10 or 11 so I'm not too worried.

Ok, and this may sound mean, and don't get me wrong my Math professor is a really nice guy and he's funny and all BUT! He talks way too much about his life. I really could care less. I'm not here to listen to what your wife, sons, nieces, and nephews do for a living, how smart they are, where they went to school, or how you broke your leg. I DONT CARE. He spent fifteen minutes introducing the course, thirty(count them THIRTY) minutes just babbling about his family and how mathematics is in everything (yeah I know. every single math teacher I've EVER had has given me that lecture), and then fifteen minutes giving the lecture. I could have been out of there thirty minutes early!!! It really just peeves me. I'm paying over a thousand dollars a semester, if you need someone to talk to then pay for a therapist and stop wasting my time and money.

Now! On a kinder note :) My Humanities class looks to be pretty awesome. We will be learning about War, Romance/Love, Sprituality/Spirituality and Nature, and Marginalized Voices which all sound super interesting. The professor seems way down to earth and really relatable to, and she also told us that a lot of our assignments will have to do with Art which (whoop whoop) I think I'll enjoy very much! However, there are a lot of readings and assignments which are a pain, but I think it being such an interesting subject (Ammon said he loved his Humanities class, and I think its safe to say we're pretty similar on subjects such as this :)) will definitely make it less of a pain!
So now I just gotta get my books, a car (yaya), a laptop (eventually, since my Mac is a piece and a half), and I'll be well on my way :) Things are looking up. I have an amazing job that I love, awesome friends, wonderful family, a supportive sweet boyfriend, a hilariously cute puppy, means to obtain a good education, motivation, and happiness. All of which I'm incredibly grateful for.

I'm pretty sure I'll like Psych since its my major, and my teacher seems really chill and laid back.

I think Modern will be awesome! I haven't danced forever and I can't wait to get back into it! The only thing is that the class needs 12 students in order to not be cancelled; but right now we have 10 or 11 so I'm not too worried.

Ok, and this may sound mean, and don't get me wrong my Math professor is a really nice guy and he's funny and all BUT! He talks way too much about his life. I really could care less. I'm not here to listen to what your wife, sons, nieces, and nephews do for a living, how smart they are, where they went to school, or how you broke your leg. I DONT CARE. He spent fifteen minutes introducing the course, thirty(count them THIRTY) minutes just babbling about his family and how mathematics is in everything (yeah I know. every single math teacher I've EVER had has given me that lecture), and then fifteen minutes giving the lecture. I could have been out of there thirty minutes early!!! It really just peeves me. I'm paying over a thousand dollars a semester, if you need someone to talk to then pay for a therapist and stop wasting my time and money.

Now! On a kinder note :) My Humanities class looks to be pretty awesome. We will be learning about War, Romance/Love, Sprituality/Spirituality and Nature, and Marginalized Voices which all sound super interesting. The professor seems way down to earth and really relatable to, and she also told us that a lot of our assignments will have to do with Art which (whoop whoop) I think I'll enjoy very much! However, there are a lot of readings and assignments which are a pain, but I think it being such an interesting subject (Ammon said he loved his Humanities class, and I think its safe to say we're pretty similar on subjects such as this :)) will definitely make it less of a pain!
So now I just gotta get my books, a car (yaya), a laptop (eventually, since my Mac is a piece and a half), and I'll be well on my way :) Things are looking up. I have an amazing job that I love, awesome friends, wonderful family, a supportive sweet boyfriend, a hilariously cute puppy, means to obtain a good education, motivation, and happiness. All of which I'm incredibly grateful for.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
A Few of My Favorite Things
kissing! not for the sake of kissing but because I am crazy about the person who is kissing me
laughing! a good, sincere, hilarious, feel it in your tum tum laugh
playing with my sister! she's just freaking hilarious and amazing
cuddling! :) i just love it and what i said about kissing someone special goes for this too
saying innapropriate things! especially in front of my sweet mama; i'm a sucker for her reactions
singing in the car! to girly grand singing music! especially with E
being silly! just letting loose and being a total goof and dork ahhhhh!
dancing! (seriously and not so seriously) its my passion my love my expression
being with my girls! E Kels Kenne Guts oh sheesh i could go on about each of you but just know that i have so much fun with all of you and love you so very much
Jackson, Bayley, and Marley! and of course Holly and Dave :) they're so sweet and innocent and adorable. they make me laugh and smile and always make me so happy
jumping on the bed! yes its a little juvenile, no i do not care. and its a rare occurence but so freeing lol
sleeping! most days of the week i get up at about 6:30 (i'm not really a morning person) so getting to sleep in after realizing its on 4 am or its the weekend is wonderful
playing with my Athena puppy! oh boy she cracks me up, she has such a big personality
watching movies! i love movies. happy, funny, sad, intense, scary, documentary, etc i love stories
reading! as i previously stated i love stories. i like feeling as though i'm looking into another world or life
summertime! it cannot come soon enough! i don't like wearing shoes, i love wearing shorts, driving with the windows down, playing with jack and bay and athena in the kiddie pool, cuddling under the stars, vacations, camping, fireworks, popsicles yay!
jeans and t shirts! i LOVE an amazing pair of jeans and a cute comfy tee that fits just right
thunderstorms! summer thunderstorms. dancing in the rain. i'm gonna kiss in a downpour this year.
magazines! just ask E. my favorite beginning to a sentence is, "so i read in this magazine..."
interesting conversation! i'm definitely a talker but i'm also a good listener and i just really enjoy meaningful, thought provoking, intelligent conversation. i like getting to know people.
cute underwear! VS is my weakness. i love it. i love being the only one knowing that you have the cutest new underwear on haha
short shorts! i think this comes from living at least half of my jr high and high school years in the dance studio and consequently in short dance shorts.
intelligence! it is very attractive to have someone who can push me intelligence wise (i think thats the correct saying). i don't want to feel like i'm superior to who i'm with (friends or romantically) and i love to learn. i've got a thing for the intelligent attractive type ;)
honesty! its value to me is immeasurable
getting flowers! just because, for my birthday, for valentines, for martin luther kind jr day, whatever :) i mean i'm not a huge flower girl but once or twice a year is nice and they're purrrty
chocolate! need i say more?
glazed donuts from Dicks! i like them more than krispy kreme. they are awesome.
good food! mmm mmm mmm. i'm really stuck on olive garden's three cheese tortellini and pork milanese
family! they are everything. i love them completely.
Bubba! you know why :)
This list turned out to be a lot longer than i intended. But being thankful and having such great favorites is a wonderful thing :)
laughing! a good, sincere, hilarious, feel it in your tum tum laugh
playing with my sister! she's just freaking hilarious and amazing
cuddling! :) i just love it and what i said about kissing someone special goes for this too
saying innapropriate things! especially in front of my sweet mama; i'm a sucker for her reactions
singing in the car! to girly grand singing music! especially with E
being silly! just letting loose and being a total goof and dork ahhhhh!
dancing! (seriously and not so seriously) its my passion my love my expression
being with my girls! E Kels Kenne Guts oh sheesh i could go on about each of you but just know that i have so much fun with all of you and love you so very much
Jackson, Bayley, and Marley! and of course Holly and Dave :) they're so sweet and innocent and adorable. they make me laugh and smile and always make me so happy
jumping on the bed! yes its a little juvenile, no i do not care. and its a rare occurence but so freeing lol
sleeping! most days of the week i get up at about 6:30 (i'm not really a morning person) so getting to sleep in after realizing its on 4 am or its the weekend is wonderful
playing with my Athena puppy! oh boy she cracks me up, she has such a big personality
watching movies! i love movies. happy, funny, sad, intense, scary, documentary, etc i love stories
reading! as i previously stated i love stories. i like feeling as though i'm looking into another world or life
summertime! it cannot come soon enough! i don't like wearing shoes, i love wearing shorts, driving with the windows down, playing with jack and bay and athena in the kiddie pool, cuddling under the stars, vacations, camping, fireworks, popsicles yay!
jeans and t shirts! i LOVE an amazing pair of jeans and a cute comfy tee that fits just right
thunderstorms! summer thunderstorms. dancing in the rain. i'm gonna kiss in a downpour this year.
magazines! just ask E. my favorite beginning to a sentence is, "so i read in this magazine..."
interesting conversation! i'm definitely a talker but i'm also a good listener and i just really enjoy meaningful, thought provoking, intelligent conversation. i like getting to know people.
cute underwear! VS is my weakness. i love it. i love being the only one knowing that you have the cutest new underwear on haha
short shorts! i think this comes from living at least half of my jr high and high school years in the dance studio and consequently in short dance shorts.
intelligence! it is very attractive to have someone who can push me intelligence wise (i think thats the correct saying). i don't want to feel like i'm superior to who i'm with (friends or romantically) and i love to learn. i've got a thing for the intelligent attractive type ;)
honesty! its value to me is immeasurable
getting flowers! just because, for my birthday, for valentines, for martin luther kind jr day, whatever :) i mean i'm not a huge flower girl but once or twice a year is nice and they're purrrty
chocolate! need i say more?
glazed donuts from Dicks! i like them more than krispy kreme. they are awesome.
good food! mmm mmm mmm. i'm really stuck on olive garden's three cheese tortellini and pork milanese
family! they are everything. i love them completely.
Bubba! you know why :)
This list turned out to be a lot longer than i intended. But being thankful and having such great favorites is a wonderful thing :)
Monday, January 3, 2011
I Reserve The Right To...
While reading my dear cousin Beth's blog I stole one of her post ideas cuz I liked it very very much. Mostly because sometimes there are things that you shouldn't do... Actually let me rephrase that: there are things that others think you shouldn't do but they're wonderful to do anyway. And I have the right to do them whether or not you think I should. So :P (thats me blowing my tongue at you)
Dear Life and Those In It,
I reserve the right to...
Cry or throw a little tantrum just because.

Laugh uncontrollably or be ridiculously weird even if you "don't get it".

Make a decision that you don't agree with.
Do something only because it makes me happy.
Love my dog as much as a human being.

Excessively use my car horn.
Threaten to run some jerk over with my car because it makes me feel better.
Dance in the rain.

Have too much chocolate.

Take a nap JUST BECAUSE.

Have my Mama make me a sammich (hers will always taste the best).
Be sad because its a bad sad kind of day.
Want to have a dog that weighs almost 2x what I do.

Believe in Love.

Don't say I didn't warn ya ;)
Dear Life and Those In It,
I reserve the right to...
Cry or throw a little tantrum just because.

Laugh uncontrollably or be ridiculously weird even if you "don't get it".

Make a decision that you don't agree with.
Do something only because it makes me happy.
Love my dog as much as a human being.

Excessively use my car horn.
Threaten to run some jerk over with my car because it makes me feel better.
Dance in the rain.

Have too much chocolate.

Take a nap JUST BECAUSE.

Have my Mama make me a sammich (hers will always taste the best).
Be sad because its a bad sad kind of day.
Want to have a dog that weighs almost 2x what I do.

Believe in Love.

Don't say I didn't warn ya ;)