Thursday, December 13, 2012

Chrismas List

I am hesitant to post a list of 'wants' because I've always been taught that Christmas is about so much more. But Ammon has been asking what I want so I decided to give him an easy go to list :) And its fun!

Black Silk/Satin Robe

I've been devastated that I've missed documenting our first years together because my camera broke and I haven't gotten another one.

Big Bang Theory Season 5 on DVD

Urban Decay's Naked 2 Makeup Pallet

What's on your Christmas List this year?



Monday, December 3, 2012

Final Thankfuls Post

Day #23

I'm thankful for Friday nights in. Staying home with Ammon (or by myself) is like having my batteries recharged. I enjoy cleaning (corny I know but I cleaned the bathtub and seeing that shiny white tub is wonderful), reading (just finished The Shining - awesome and the movie does not do the book any sort of justice), watching documentaries with Ammon, watching true crime tv shows (without Ammon lol), playing with Athena, walking Athena, taking naps.

Day #24

Naps. They are one of my guilty pleasures. On saturday I woke up, cooked Ammon breakfast before he went to work, couponed a bit, then took a 2 hour nap. I just love being able to do that one day a week!

Day #25

Good Blogs. They inspire me, give me great ideas, de-stress me, make me laugh, make me cry, motivate me.

Day #26

Cooking Skills. I really am grateful that I can cook & bake. We save so much money when we eat at home. We know this because we used to eat out SO much. After moving in together and realizing how much money we were really spending we made a commitment to cook our meals at home. Now we only go out to eat every once in a while - usually for special occasions.

Day #27

Our health. I am very grateful that Ammon and I are relatively healthy people. Even when we get sick we're usually don't have to go to the doctor or miss work. And even more awesome is the last time I was very sick it happened over the weekend!

Day #28

Friends. Old and new. They make life fun. They give me confidence and love. They are always there for me. They have changed me for the better.

Day #29

School. I took this semester off and I'm to the stage of missing school. Not necessarily the homework but definitely the 'expanding me mind' part. We're so lucky and blessed to live in a country where women (of all ages, races, economic statuses, etc) get to go to school for whatever they want!

Day #30

Ammon. Again... But I couldn't not post it as my last thankful because Friday we celebrated out 2 year anniversary. I am so thankful for him in so many ways. Thank you for 2 great years babe! And I look forward to many more :)

