Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I've decided i like the whole 'writing my thoughts out in lists' thing so here's another one:

My Reasons Why I'm Stressed Out Today List:

1. so last night i get home from work and Athena's face has these huge bumps ALL OVER her face and head :( :( :( :( my poor baby- it was so bad that i almost cried and those of you who know me know that i do not cry. there were about 20 to 25 bumps ranging from the size of a pea (on top of her head) to the size of a golf ball (on/in her lips). she was itching like CRAZY which make it worse and woke up about every half hour to an hour throughout the night yelping and barking. so i wake up thinking they will have gone down... HELL NO now insteaed of a bunch of bumps her face was one GINORMOUS bump. needless to say mariah, mike, and I trekked down to the vet at 7:30 am and they gave her a shot and some medicine to take for then next week. apparently it was some kind of allergic reaction but the swelling has already gone down a ton so whew!!!
2. I dont have a car. let me say this again: i'm twenty years old (in fifteen days- but hey who's counting) and i dont have a car!!! trust me i have a really good reason for not having one its just not something i'm going to splash all over the internet so if you dont know why you can ask me. but its horrible- i feel like a total burden on my family since we have to coordinate rides for me to and from work blech! BUt i'm saving up my money and will be getting a new one soon so whew!
3. School is staring soon and I still need to take my placement exam, do orientation, and register for classes (if you haven't already figured it out i'm the worlds best procrastinator) i also need to find the balance between paying for tuition and saving for my car but i can take the placement exam on saturday, do orientation and register online sunday or monday and then figure out tuition whew!!
4. My work schedules suck! i'm told i'll be working a specifice schedule and it doesn't happen, i tell my other work what days i can work and they schedule me otally opposite days. I mean c'mon i know i'm awesome ;) but not so awesome that i can split into 5 different people: work #1 kesley, friends kesley, work #2 kesley, family kesley, sane kesley. I will just have to talk to my managers and hopefully by getting the communication lines flowing set up a defenite schedule whew!
5. Emily lives so far away but i want to play all night and day... and i dont have a car so it makes getting to logan a little challenging BUT as previously stated in #2 I have the car situation worked out so double WHEW!

now i think i should end this post on a more positive note! I do not mean to complain but i de-stress better once i get all my woes out and work through them logically :) anyways isn't it just a B-E-A- UTIFUL day outside?!! i am so excited for spring and summer! life is just better in the summer time: summer nights, swimming, parties, friends, shorts, flip flops, shades, summer thunderstorms, making out in said thunderstorms, vacations! woo woo! holla holla! i can't wait!