"love may have the longest arms, but it can still fall short of an embrace..." Megan McCafferty
i don't know this is just such a depressing quote but thats what kind of a mood i'm in: depressing. life gets frustrating when you're raised by Disney movies and princess fairytales because life is the furthest thing from a fairytale. Sure, you can have your fairytale for a while but it always fades away into real life again. finding happiness within yourself is the only true way to have real happiness; not by relying on others, or things, or mindless rules. you must be happy with who you are - all of you- even the parts that aren't particularly favorable. it's hard relying on love to keep you happy and to have others relying on your love as well because no one will find true happiness in that kind of dependent "love" because its not pure true love at all, its selfish dependent needy fear. fear of being with only yourself because you don't think that you can make yourself happy.
this quote to me is saying that love does have the power to change things and change people but you cannot rely solely on it alone because that is when it will fall short and won't live up to its name. you must rely on and love yourself before love can make a full and profound impact on you, before it can truly heal and change you. and this is what i am trying to learn: to fully love and rely on myself, because having just me is good enough but having someone to share things with (not depend solely on) is better.