and p.s. we have not hung out forever and its a little sad
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
so i really like reading various people's blogs- particularly my friends- i LOVE knowing what they're up to, their thoughts, their opinions, etc. BUT there is one person's blog i particularly enjoy... Andrew Gerald Hales! i wish i could be more like Andy- and not just in the blogging part of life. Andy has such a confident carpe diem way of living his life and it totally shows in his blog. He just writes about things that are totally everyday things but he has a way of making them super interesting- i feel that what andy says is truly what he thinks and feels and he doesn't care what anyone thinks about it. so i suggest you take a gander at i hope you enjoy. and way to go andy :)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
oh man, well i don't even know, i guess i'm just having a stupid day. don't you hate it when you have those dreams that just completely f up everything in your life- like they make you second guess everything- yeah well thats the kind of dreams i've had this whole week and they suck hard core. they freak me out and make me think that everything is going to start falling apart at the seams and that maybe i'm wrong about everything i've been doing and that if i keep going that i'll f up everything! what the hell! i HATE dreams now so thanks a whole lot dreams because you suck! you suck like one of those fish that's only purpose in life is to clean the houses of other fish! but soon i will talk about my dream specifically in detail with some one and they will reassure me that everything will be ok and that its just a dream and that it means nothing. BUT the part that i hate is that i believe that dreams are a manifestation of your sub conscience that you've been suppressing- these thoughts or feelings or whatever have now finally manifested themselves. but what if i'm wrong or better yet its that: i really do worry that i will make a mistake that will drastically alter my life and ruin it. maybe i'm afraid of change even though we're always told that change is good. the thing is though that i don't want my life to change, i'm happy with how my life is right now and that is what is important... that i'm happy now. so thank you for listening to my ridiculous rant.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Athena Gibbs
Athena Athena Athena its hard to know where to start. I'd been itching for a puppy for a while and finally on a hot august sunday morning Justin gave in. We drove to the Humane Society thinking we'd be good animal lovers, save a life, share our home- all that good stuff. Well freak if you can adopt a human baby they MIGHT let you adopt a dog. We were turned down because the dog was going to be an inside and an outside dog which apparently isn't allowed (who ever heard of a dog being outside as a bad thing) but "oh well, fine!" I yelled and cried in the car "we'll get a puppy then!" We drove to Layton, and picked out their second to last puppy (we were going to name her I think Harley or something like that but... no) Athena!
And of course my mom was right "having a puppy is like having a baby" - ya sure mom, rrright a baby, ok... but seriously it is except babies have insurance for their health problems! I don't even want to think about how much money we've spent on her- she has hips of a twelve year old (hip dysplasia), multiple (and when I say multiple I mean for 3 + months) of Urinary Tract Infections so we'll be needing new carpet when she actually is potty trained, x- rays, swallowing rib bones WHOLE, and the most heartbreaking- hearing that we'll probably have to put her down in a few months (our fingers are still crossed).
So as I'm writing this ode to our dog what is she doing? She's chewing on a spoon she found somewhere behind our couch haha she'll eat anything but apples and carrots are her favorite.
Athena throws her own toys for herself (literally) she loves animals but is intimidated by big dogs so instead of playing with her own size she'll happily squish the pip squeaks who dare play with her. Ok enough writing about my dog I'm sure you hate it because I hate it when others actually think people care about their dog... but I just love her so much :)